Boxing Day Treasure Hunt

After the excesses of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, Boxing Day is a time for recovery, quiet contemplation and sleep. Lots of sleep.

But not for yachties. It's a time for getting out of bed, perhaps a little later than usual, and getting out on the water. And that's just what the crews of eight cruising yachts did on the 26th of December for the Hebe Haven Yacht Club's Boxing Day Treasure Hunt 2024.

The event has been going for some time and never fails to draw participants. Over the years, the format has changed a little but the end game is the same – have loads of fun and enjoy the lasting spirit of Christmas. Results are not taken too seriously and the race committee is very accommodating. Everyone has a chance to win a prize, even if it's just for singing. Or showing how clever they are!

So, the day dawned bright with some high cloud cover, low humidity and a temperature of 20 degrees. Visibility was good and winds were moderate, Force 3-4, from the northeast. Thank goodness for the winter monsoon – during the colder months, sailors would be a very unhappy bunch without it.    

Hebe One, the committee boat, left the dock at 1000 and approached the entrance to Hebe Haven. The ever-energetic Sailing Centre manager, Rob Allen, assisted by the race officer's wife, Arlene, laid the first mark of the course off Trio Beach, near the fish farms, at 1100. Then Hebe One headed for Shelter Island to lay the second mark. From there it was west across Port Shelter to Cascade Bay, and the positioning of the third mark.

There was some urgency laying the fourth mark as some of the boats had already started out from Trio. Race officer, Aaron Goach, asked the coxswain to get a move on and he turned southeast for Ma Tsai Pai. After passing the beacon on this familiar rock, Hebe One turned into Rocky Harbour and another mark was laid to the east of Bay Islet.

That done, Goach announced the position of the 'finish line' near the ultimate objective – Yau Ley seafood restaurant on the southwestern side of High Island.

Just in time, too, as the first finisher had already turned into Rocky Harbour, rounded the fourth mark, and was approaching fast. Harpseal made the finish with the crew singing and cheering, all in fancy dress. They even had a 'reindeer' on board and, of course, Santa Claus himself.

Then the other boats finished in quick order. Perhaps it was the thought of crispy squid, steamed prawns and other Yau Ley favourites that spurred them on.

There was even a 'gate crasher'. To the surprise of the race officials on Hebe One, Adagio suddenly appeared, waving and cheering the race officials. The boat's name couldn't be found on the Entry List but that was quickly overlooked and they were welcomed anyway.

It was then time for everyone to gather ashore in Yau Ley and wait for the food to arrive. It did, at 1400, and in the right order thanks to the skills of liaison man, Nelson Iam. Juliet Ashton and friends on Dragonfly arrived just in time otherwise they may have missed out on the platefuls of steamed shrimps, yau yu and chicken with celery.

What a feast it turned out to be. But the best was yet to come.

Race officer, Aaron Goach, welcomed everyone and then the microphone was passed to Juliet Ashton who tested everyone's general knowledge with quite a difficult quiz. Like "What is the name of the ballet that takes place at Christmas?" and "What is the position (Lat/Long) of Hebe Haven Yacht Club?". Also "What is the name of the giant snow monster that guards Elsa's palace in Frozen?". Surprisingly, scores were high and no-one used Google . . .

Then there was 'carol singing' and Harpseal and Dragonfly both put on excellent performances. This was followed by the Best-dressed Fender competition with one sailor even professing her love for the fender wearing goggles and scuba gear!

While on the subject of 'love', there was even a 'Meet a Mate' quiz with questions like 'Have you ever raced in a Hebe Haven Yacht Club regatta?, 'Flown a spinnaker?' and 'Slept on a boat?'. Some of the answers were very interesting!

There was more entertainment and thanks given to those who made the Boxing Day Treasure Hunt 2024 possible. Everyone is looking forward to 2025.

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