Christmas Party

Hebe Haven Yacht Club parties get better, and better. There's fun, there's food, there's music and happy memories whether it's a prize-giving, a social occasion or a good old-fashioned Christmas party. On Wednesday, the 4th of December, the club's top young sailors celebrated another fantastic year with a lively and boisterous party in the Garden Bar. Some 80 people showed up and what a night it turned out to be.

At six o'clock, under the watchful eyes of assistant and junior instructors, things got going with a Virtual Regatta. Intense concentration led to cheers from winners seated in front of a big screen, and more people joining in.

At six thirty, sailing centre manager and compere extraordinaire, Rob Allen, welcomed everybody and announced that the buffet was open. And, he said, if that wasn't enough there was plenty to choose from at the barbecue pits nearby, especially for those who loved burgers!

Catshack, two guitarists from the club, kept the crowd entertained and played songs for all ages. Ain't No Sunshine and Country Roads went down a treat with the oldies.

Then, just after seven o'clock, the compere introduced the club's top sailors, including the Hebe Dragons squad and Harris the national coach. He then asked Harvey Jessop, the club's rear commodore sail training, to make presentations to Nick Halliday and Akira Sakai and confirm their honorary membership to the club.

Next up to the stage was match racing champion and vice president of the Sailing Federation of Hong Kong, China, Peter Backe. He spoke about his pathway from junior sailor to the top level of sailing in the territory.

Thomas Lam, Hebe Dragons team leader, followed with words of praise to the club's sailors and an update on the Asian Games.

Then, from faraway, came the sound of jingling bells! Yes, Father Christmas, was on his way. Excitement swept through the crowd as not one but two red-dressed Santas burst into the Garden Bar. The youngsters loved it, the seniors joined in and the spirit of Christmas soared – this is how it should be!

Then the real fun started as games like 'musical knees' were played. Best of all, though, was 'wrap the snowman'. Standing back-to-back, the 'snowmen' were wrapped in rolls and rolls of toilet paper. The Andy Service / Peter Backe combination was nominated the ultimate winner. Well done to the 'wrappers' and those who cleaned up the mess!  

Sadly, the party had to come to an end and, at nine o'clock, Rob Allen wished everyone Happy Christmas and gave them a big "Ho, Ho, Ho".

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