Hebe Open Day

Like the day before, Sunday, the 4th of August 2024, started out warm and bright, and stayed that way throughout the day. With moderate winds, it was perfect for newcomers. More than 200 people of all ages were given the opportunity to race in keelboats and dinghies, or just enjoy being out on the water, in the cool of an air-conditioned catamaran, watching life ashore go by.

Held on Sunday, the 4th of August, Open Day 2024 began at 1000 with a big welcome from sailing manager, Rob Allen, who told everyone to drink lots of water to avoid dehydration and they could use their Octopus cards for refreshments from the bar. Good advice but, as it turned out, the fresh westerly winds made for cooling conditions and there were no reports of 'overheating'!

In the past, open days, usually in May, have spanned a weekend and there have been vendors, stalls and car boot sales in the parking area, not to mention a variety of delicious foods prepared on site. But this year, there was a change. The government wanted the club to be a part of its Sports for All Day 2024, also earmarked for the 4th of August. So, to maintain good relations with the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, the club offered 'free sports and recreation for the public' on the same day to 'encourage people of all ages and abilities to engage in regular sports and recreation programmes'. It worked. Well done everyone.

The club also took the opportunity to announce new schemes of membership ranging from Cadet (6-17 years) at HK$3,993, to Senior Associate (under 41 years) to Corporate HK$199,650. With a history dating back to 1963, the Hebe Haven Yacht Club is a well-established private members club, respected for its dedication to sailing and other watersports. Its highly-trained squad of youth sailors – the Hebe Dragons – does well at regattas, both at home and abroad. What's more, and, very importantly in the eyes of the government, the Hebe Haven Yacht Club provides a base for Sailability, a charitable organization that assists sailors with disabilities

Amidst swarms of dragon flies and a flock of terns living near the entrance to Hebe Haven, the RS Quest dinghies and club J/80s made their way out into Port Shelter on Sunday morning, followed by Hebe One, the club's 43-foot utility catamaran. After finding a suitable location off Hap Mun Wan beach, a course was laid and 28 boats, each with a competent skipper on board, began to compete, watched by 'spectators' from the aft deck of Hebe One.

Every time a sailor hiked out on his or her trapeze, there was a great "Waaah" from the spectator boat, showing that everyone was enjoying the action in front of them. One of those was 67-year-old Peter Tsang. A recent retiree, Peter owns a powerboat moored near the club and loves the peace and tranquility of Hebe Haven. "I learned to sail a long time ago and like watersports in general." Peter has plans to volunteer for race management, possibly driving one of the support craft used to lay courses.

While racing was underway, club coxswain, Mikey, took the spectators on a relaxed rounding of Sharp Island, passing St Joseph's Chapel built in 1890 on the island of Yim Tin Tsai. Then onwards through Inner Port Shelter and back to the colourful gathering of white and green sails of the RS Quests and low profiles of the popular J/80 keelboats.

Lunch was held in the Garden Bar at 1300 and, at 1400, it was back to racing and cruising on the powercat, Hebe One. Twenty-five boats raced under clear skies and near-perfect conditions. One of the spectators, five-year-old Chloe Ho, thoroughly enjoyed her outing on Hebe One. Her father said he would ask her later if she wanted to take sailing lessons. Judging by her response, she certainly does.

It's worth pointing out that Open Day 2024 was fully booked three weeks before it actually happened. Marketing was done all around Sai Kung and through the Sailing Federation of Hong Kong, China (formerly known as Hong Kong Sailing Federaton).

See you again next year!

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